How to turn on autosave in atom
How to turn on autosave in atom

how to turn on autosave in atom

This is where the AutoSaveSwap routine will make an initial save of any notebooks for which there is NO existing manual save location.ģ) Recovering any given notebook is easy. Therefore, it is probably best to choose a SwapDirectory that is on your local machine.Ģ) Within SwapDirectory, you should create a sub-directory called "Recovery".

how to turn on autosave in atom

At the appropriate times, this code will (automatically in the background) save swap files for ALL open notebooks, unless they are unmodified from their manually-saved versions (this exception makes the code more efficient, and more importantly, prevents the storage of swap files for documentation notebooks, for example).ġ) the Mathematica Put command seems to have trouble writing to network drives, even when offline access is enabled. The other variable you might want to change is the number of seconds between autosaves, indicated by the "300" (corresponding to 5 minutes) near the bottom of the code below. The swap files are organized within the swap directory in a directory structure which "mirrors" their original file locations, and have ".swp" appended to their file names. The global variable $SwapDirectory is where the swap files are saved (by swap file, I mean it in the VIm sense an "extra" copy of your notebook, separate from your manually saved copy that periodically saves any new work). There are two main entries you'll want to change to use this.

how to turn on autosave in atom

Motivated by the same concerns, I wrote the following code and added it to my init.m file.

How to turn on autosave in atom